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John Doe Is Dull: The Importance of Choosing Good User Names in Tests

We, developers, have to come up with user names all the time. In this glorious, pioneer era of TDD, more than ever we have to not only enter them into text fields but write them in test files that are part of the code and thus are clearly visible and permanent.

So it is important to give good names, but what is a good name like? I am not thinking about the semantics of the name (whether it has accented letters, or if it has two or three parts, etc.) but look at them from a very personal point of view: whether it makes you, the programmer, satisfied with your choice of names or bored with repeating the same old names you used in other projects and even in those projects, you had copied them from somewhere.

So when writing your first test where a user is needed, stop for a moment and imagine a world which you like and which is amusing in the context of your application’s domain (like philosophers playing soccer, Luddites attending a technology conference, etc.). Pick some names and let the feeling that you have created something instead of just using old, boring names fill you with contentment. Whenever you need an other name, take one from your world. If you need further data (e.g date of birth) about your test users you can even do a little bit of research.

Though investing energy in this may reduce the time you spend writing code, compared to all the hours you put into a project, it is negligible. Nurturing this “subculture” in your tests can be very entertaining so you have a good time developing and are less prone to boredom. I think it pays off. We, Ruby programmers all know how important it is to be happy while programming and the effect it has on our productivity.

And besides, do you know of anyone who is called John Doe?