I'm all about Ember.js recently

Rock and Roll With Ember 2 Just Went Live

The 2nd edition of my critically acclaimed book, Rock and Roll with Ember.js, has just been published. The number 2 does not only denote the 2nd edition but also the fact that it runs on Ember (and Ember Data) 2.0 and that it will follow the 2.x development path of the framework.

The 2nd edition adds 4 new chapters: Animations, Making an Ember addon, Writing modern JavaScript (ES2015) and Deployment. Here is the complete set list:

  1. Introduction to Ember.js
  2. Ember CLI
  3. Templates and data bindings
  4. Routing
  5. Nested routes
  6. Actions
  7. Components
  8. Controllers
  9. Advanced routing
  10. Talking to a backend - with Ember Data
  11. Testing
  12. Sorting and searching with query params
  13. Loading and error routes
  14. Helpers
  15. Animations
  16. Making an Ember addon
  17. ES2015 - Writing modern JavaScript
  18. Deployment

As many readers have said, keeping the book up-to-date with the latest stable Ember release also makes it a great reference book on current Ember idioms and features.

Oh, and did I mention I am running a 20% discount on all packages until Monday, 10/05, 23:59 PST? There are also a few other goodies in the bag, so I encourage you to check out the book now before prices revert to their normal level.
