I'm all about Ember.js recently

Making an Ember.js Component More Reusable

This is Part 2 of a mini-series on components. Here is the first post in the series:

Convert a view into a component


We saw how to turn the star-rating view into a component to make it more reusable, and less reliant on its context. Everything that the component needs to do its job had to be passed in, and that is enough for it to be reusable not just across screens in your application but also across different applications. Or is it? Let’s take a look at the component code again:

App.StarRatingComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  classNames: ['rating-panel'],

  fullStars: Ember.computed.alias('item.rating'),
  numStars:  Ember.computed.alias('maxRating'),
  actions: {
    setRating: function() {
      var newRating = parseInt($(event.target).attr('data-rating'), 10);
      this.get('item').set('rating', newRating);
      this.sendAction('setAction', this.get('item'));

Is something assumed about the object whose rating our component will display and set? I’ll give you some time to think about it.

A glove that fits all hands

What we assume is that the item that gets passed in has a rating property. If we really want our component to be used in all Ember applications (why not reach for the stars?), then this should not be an assumption that we make. After all, a player in a hockey team might have a score property and not rating. We could get around that by aliasing score to rating in our controller:

App.PlayerController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  rating: Ember.computed.alias('score');

However, this is inconvenient for the app developer and is only necessary because the star-rating component is not flexible enough. It’s as if I had to reshape my hand to fit the glove.

So let’s make it take the property name as a parameter, too:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="artists/songs">
  {{#each songs}}
    <div class="list-group-item">
      {{star-rating item=this ratingProperty="rating" maxRating=5 setAction="setRating"}}

That was easy, now comes the harder part, the component code. Previously, the fullStars property of the component was just an alias for item.rating. We can’t do that anymore, since the name of the rating property is only known when the component is used in a template, and can thus differ in each case.

Did Ember let us down this time? Before, it had kept the fullStars property of our component in sync with the item’s rating. We just sat back and took sips of our mojito. Now, when the going gets tough, we are on our own.

Well, not really. We are doing some advanced stuff so it’s no surprise that we have to use advanced tools that are not needed in the majority of cases. Ember has nice lower-level functions to support us.

We have to set up the property synchronization ourselves but it sounds scarier than it is. We just have to watch when the item’s rating (score, points, etc.) property changes and set the fullStars property to that value:

App.StarRatingComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  classNames: ['rating-panel'],

  numStars:  Ember.computed.alias('maxRating'),
  fullStars: null,

  didInsertElement: function() {
    var property = this.get('ratingProperty');
    this.set('fullStars', this.get('item').get(property));
    Ember.addObserver(this.get('item'), property, this, this.ratingPropertyDidChange);

  willDestroyElement: function() {
    var property = this.get('ratingProperty');
    Ember.removeObserver(this.get('item'), property, this.ratingPropertyDidChange);

  ratingPropertyDidChange: function(item, ratingProperty) {
    this.set('fullStars', item.get(ratingProperty));

There are several things that might be new to you, dear reader, so let me go through each of them.

The most important thing is the call to ‘Ember.addObserver(object, property, context, function)’. Whenever property of object changes, it calls function with context as its this. (Providing a context is optional).

The observer function (ratingPropertyDidChange) gets the object that was changed as its first parameter and the property name that was changed. In this case, it does not have to do anything else but set the fullStars property of the component to the new value of the item’s rating property.

The observer is set up in the didInsertElement function. It is a handy lifecycle-event for Ember views (and thus components) which gets called after the view has been inserted into the DOM. This time, we don’t need it to be in the DOM already but it serves as a convenient way to add the observer.

Lastly, since the observer was added manually, it has to be torn down manually, too, when it is no longer needed. We do this in willDestroyElement, another view lifecycle event which gets called before the element gets removed from the DOM. Also, the code comments mention the following about willDestroyElement:

If you write a `willDestroyElement()` handler, you can assume that your
`didInsertElement()` handler was called earlier for the same element.

This makes didInsertElement - willDestroyElement a perfect pair for manually setting up and tearing down event handlers (or observers) even if no DOM manipulation has to be carried out.

I’ve made a jsbin to show how the star-rating component can now be used with a score property while the component code stays identical:

Reusable Star Rating component


We now have a star-rating component that is general enough to be used in all contexts. Go ahead and use it in your Ember app and let me know if I missed something.

Actually, there are a couple of featurettes -unrelated to its flexibility, as far as I see- we can add which I might come back to.

This was Part 2 of a mini-series on components. Here is the third post in the series:

Readers’ Letters: Making an Ember.js Component Even Better
